Groceries, devices, and even services can be ordered online today. All it takes is a swipe on a smartphone or a click of a mouse, and you have just about everything you need on the Internet. While you can order your next pair of shoes, food from the local store, and even a new computer over the web, the last thing you should order is contact lenses.
Like other prescription products, contact lenses are not a one-size-fits-all solution. First, you must be fitted for lenses by an established Calgary optometry center, like Crowfoot Vision. Then, you want to have your products ordered from a quality, reliable manufacturer. More so, there are risks to ordering these products online; from affecting your vision to your overall health.
Reasons to Never Order Contact Lenses Online
There are significant advantages of ordering contacts through your Calgary eye center over the web. Instead of being drawn in by what seems like a great deal online, here are a few reasons to avoid online shopping for eyewear and contact lenses:
- Fewer Rebates: While the price online is low, did you know that you could get a more reasonable set of contact lenses from Calgary optometrists? Your local eye center will have rebates, which give you equally low prices. These exclusive discounts are offered to patients exclusively by the optometrist, and while an online service might say the rebate is eligible, you would have to do the rebate refund requests yourself.
- No Personal Relationship: You have a personal relationship with your eye doctor. They understand your vision problems, contact lens needs, and fit you for lenses. If you have a problem, you can come back to the Calgary optometry center and have your eyes re-examined or a new fitting. Online, you do not have that luxury. Instead, you are stuck with the lenses you buy, and you do not receive a vision screening first.
- No Expertise: Online stores do not have a trained, experienced optometrist guiding you through the purchasing process. Therefore, you are more likely to order a contact lens that is wrong for your eye condition.
- No Custom Fitting: Your eye is unique, and depending on the condition you are trying to correct combined with your eye’s exact measurements, there is no way you can get a perfect fit online. You need a professional to measure your eyes and order contact lenses that will fit comfortably and help your vision without potentially harming your eye.
- Risk of Infection: There is no guarantee that the online website you order your lenses from has sanitary storage or that they are not giving you used contact lenses. When contact lenses are not kept sterile, there is a high risk of infection. An eye infection could affect your eyesight permanently; therefore, it is not something you want to risk just to save a few dollars.
If you need contact lenses, you might be surprised at how much you could save with the Calgary optometrists from Crowfoot Vision. We have access to the leading brands of contact lenses, rebates, and we custom-fit to ensure your vision issue is corrected, and your lenses are never uncomfortable.
Schedule a consultation for contact lenses at our Calgary optometry center today. You can reach us by phone at 403-241-3000 for more information. You are also welcome to visit us or complete the online contact form today.